how to write program enter a sentence and output the number ofuppercase & lowercase consonants, uppercase & lowercase vowels in sentence.

Hello friends, Welcome to your blog. And today in this article we will learn about how to write program enter a sentence and output the number ofuppercase & lowercase consonants, uppercase & lowercase vowels in sentence.So let’s go to our topic

#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
void main()
char line[80];
int number_of_vowels,uc,lc,uv,lv;
cout << “Enter your sentence : ” << endl;
for(int x=0; line[x]!=’\0’;x++)
else if(line[x]==‘a’||line[x]==‘e’||line[x]==‘i’||line[x]==‘o’||line[x]==‘u’)
else if(line[x]>+65&&line[x]<=90)
else if (line[x]>=97&&line[x]<=122)
//Printing the output.
cout << “Uppercase Consonants = ” << uc << “.” << endl;
cout << “Lowercase Consonants = ” << lc << “.” << endl;
cout << “Uppercase Vowels = ” << uv << “.” << endl;
cout << “Lowercase Vowels = ” << lv << “.” << endl;number_of_vowels=uv+lv;
cout << “Number of vowels = ” << number_of_vowels << endl;


This program takes in a sentence as a screen input from the user.
It then computes the number of uppercase and lowercase consonants, uppercase and
lowercase vowels and the total number of vowels.
It then outputs it using the ‘cout’ command.
These programs are truly AMAZING
Uppercase Consonants = 5.
Lowercase Consonants = 13.
Uppercase Vowels = 3.
Lowercase Vowels = 7.
Number of vowels = 10

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So I hope that you learn about the  Predict the output of following C++ program in cpp And if you have any more queries about computer relegated then feel free to discuss your problem in the comment section.Thank you so much and come back for more updates about .