Work From Home | Intel Recruitment 2024 For Graduate Intern Technical

Intel Recruitment 2024 for its Graduate Intern Technical, Intel Drive is organizing Off Campus Drive for candidates in Any Batch. In order to apply, candidates should have degree in Bachelors Degree. if you are interested, Please apply as soon as possible.

Company Name: Intel

Role: Graduate Intern Technical

Location: Work From Home

Experience: Freshers

Qualification: Bachelors Degree

Batch: Any Batch

Job Type: Work From Home

Salary: Best in Industry

Intel Recruitment 2024

Job Description:

The internship will focus on efficient implementation of transformer-based deep learning models, particularly Large Language Models, on edge platforms. This will understanding current performance limitations via benchmarking and profiling, and developing innovative techniques (model-compression, data-compression, workload partitioning, etc.) to improve performance as measured by KPIs such as latency, memory bandwidth, and power. The candidate will perform literature reviews to understand state-of-the-art and work with the team to implement models, perform testing, evaluate performance, and optimize implementation for Intel platforms. Join a team of researchers at Intel’s System, Software and Architecture (SSA) Labs. SSA team’s mission is to research and develop software-driven system architecture innovations to fuel Intel’s continued growth in hyper-scale cloud datacenters, high-performance computing (HPC) and intelligent edge infrastructure. As a Research Intern in our organization, you will have the unique opportunity to learn and enhance your deep learning and AI systems skills. You will gain experience working in a research organization, collaborating with talented researchers who have a proven track record of publishing in leading AI/ML venues and real-world product impacts. The candidate is expected to have strong research ability, problem-solving and analytical skills.


Student pursuing Integrated Masters /PhD in Engineering Design, CS, ECE, EE, ME, AI or related fields

Required Skills

  • Familiar with AI and Machine Learning concepts including neural networks, transformers etc.
  • Fluent with Python and associated libraries (numpy, scipy, etc.), frameworks such as PyTorch and Hugging Face.
  • Understanding of operation and architectures of transformers and Large Language Models.
  • Experience with performance characterization on real systems.
  • Fundamentals of probability and linear algebra.

Preferred skills:

  • Track record of publications in AI/ML conferences such as NeurIPS, ICLR, ICML, CVPR etc.
  • Demonstrated deep learning and software development experience with open-source contributions and participation in AI/coding challenges.
  • Familiar with information theory and/or data-compression techniques.

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How To Apply For Intel Recruitment 2024 ?

First, read through all of the job details on this page.
Scroll down and press the Click Here button.
To be redirected to the official website, click on the apply link.
Fill the details with the information provided.
Before submitting the application, cross-check the information you’ve provided.

Apply For : Click Here