fedora mcq and Questions & Answer

Multiple Choice Questions & Answer:-

Q.1 Source code is not available for user in.
(a)Open Source
(b)Bharat OS
(c)Linux OS

Answer : B

Q.2 Linux is closed source.

Answer : B

Q.3 Bash is the ___________.

Answer : A

Q.4 BOSS is developed by.

Answer : C

Q.5 BOSS is developed over.

Answer : D

Q.6 Android is desktop OS.

Answer : B

Q.7 3DBlender is close source.

Answer : B

Q.8 Mozilla Firefox is _________ .
(d)None of Above

Answer : A

Q.9 Google chrome is _________.
(d) None of Above

Answer : D

Q.10 Windows OS is a closed source.

Answer : A

Q.11 Microsoft .NET is _________
(a)Open Source
(b)Closed Source
(d)All of above

Answer : B

Q.12 Is the windows command

Answer : B

Q.13 Which of the following command gives the list of the users in the systems

Answer : D

Q.14 ________is the linux flavor which runs from CD

Answer : A

Q.15 OSF stands for_________
(a) O.S. Factory
(b)Open software foundation
(c)Open system foundation

Answer : B

Q.16 Open source software are very costly

Answer : B

Q.17 Internet Explorer comes along with ________

Answer : B

Q.18 which browser comes with linux by default
(a)Mozilla Firebox

Answer : C

Q.19 BOSS is developed in _______

Answer : C

Q.20 Which of the following is the closed source
(a)3D Max

Answer : A

Q.21 PHP is the Open Source

Answer : A

Q.22 ______ Determines which piece of large program need to be recompiled
(d)None of above

Answer : B

Q.23 ______Execute a command as another user

Answer : D

Q.24 __ is used to install and remove packages and control downloading them from a repository

Answer : A

Q.25 Which of the following is not flavor of linux?

Answer : B

Q.26 7-zip is ___________
(a)File achiever
(b)Web browser
(d)None of above

Answer : A

Q.27 Ubuntu is windows based

Answer : B

Q.28 ________ is HTTP web server

Answer : D

Q.29 Symbian is valid Linux Based Shell

Answer : A

Q.30 Following is valid Linux based Shell
(d)None of above

Answer : A

Q.31 Shell is the exclusive feature of
(c)System software
(d)Application software

Answer : A

Q.32 Operating system is
(b)Software which manage resources of the system
(c)Software which performs computation

Answer : B

Q.33 A system call is a method by which a program makes a request to the
(a) Input Management
(c) Interrupt processing
(b) Output Management
(d)Operating system

Answer : D

34. To increase the response time and throughput, the kernel minimizes the frequency of disk access by keeping a pool of internal data buffer called
a) Pooling
b) Spooling
c) Buffer cache
d) Swapping


35. At start of process execution, STDOUT & STDERR
a) Point to current terminal device
b) Are closed
c) Point to special files on the system
d) None of the above


36. wtmp and utmp files contain:
a) Temporary system data
b) User login-logout log
c) The user’s command execution log
d) The user’s su and sudo attempts


37. Which is the core of the operating system?
a) Shell
b) Kernel
c) Commands
d) Script


38. ILP32 stands for
a) 32 bit Integer, Long & Pointer
b) 32 bit Integrated Long & Pointer
c) 32 bit Intelligent Long & Pointer
d) 32 bit Long & Pointer


39. Single Unix Specification Version 2 provides enhanced support for
a) 16 bit Unix
b) 32 bit Unix
c) 64 bit Unix
d) 8 bit Unix


40. Under UNIX the key board is the default input device and the monitor is the default output device
a) True
b) False


41. Which among the following interacts directly with system hardware?
a) Shell
b) Commands
c) Kernel
d) Applications


42. Applications communicate with kernel by using:
a) System Calls
b) C Programs
c) Shell Script
d) Shell


43.This set of Linux / Unix interview questions and answers focuses on various Unix administration commands. It will be useful for anyone learning basic Unix Administration as well as preparing for interviews on Unix.

1. SVR4 was developed by
a) Sun Microsystems
b) AT&T
c) University of Berkeley
d) Sun and AT&T jointly


44. Which of these is not a Unix Flavor?
a) BSD
b) MAC
c) AIX


45. Which of the following statement is FALSE ?
a) Unix supports multiple users
b) Linux is an open source operating system and the source code is shared
c) Shell takes care of inter process communication
d) Shell provides the feature of I/O Redirection


46. Which of the following UNIX flavor is from IBM?
a) BSD
b) Solaris
c) HP-UX
d) AIX


47. What are the sizes of (Integer/Long/Pointer) in LP64 programming model?
a) 8/8/8
b) 4/4/8
c) 4/8/8
d) 4/8/4


48. Which among the following is used to write small programs to control Unix functionalities?
a) Shell Commands
b) Shell Script
c) Filters
d) C Language


49. What control character signals the end of the input file?
a) ctrl + a
b) ctrl + b
c) ctrl + c
d) ctrl + d


50. Which command is used to display the octal value of the text
a) octal
b) text_oct
c) oct
d) od


52. Which command is used to view compressed text file contents
a) cat
b) type
c) zcat
d print


53. Which command changes a file’s group owner
a) cgrp
b) chgrp
c) change
d) group


54. Which command is used to extract intermediate result in a pipeline
a) tee
b) extract
c) exec
d) none of the above


55. Which command is used to extract a column from a text file
a) paste
b) get
c) cut
d) tar


56. Which command is used to display disk consumption of a specific directory
a) du
b) ds
c) dd
d) dds


57. Which command is used to perform backup in unix?
a) backup
b) cpio
c) zip
d) gzip


58. Which command creates an empty file if file does not exist?
a) cat
b) touch
c) ed
d) read


59. Which option of rm command is used to remove a directory with all its subdirectories
a) –b
b) –o
c) –p
d) –r


60. Write the command to display the current date in the form dd/mm/yyyy.
a) date +%d/%m/%Y
b) date +”%d/%m/%Y”
c) date +/%d/%m/20%y
d) date +”/%d/%m/20%y”


61. The command syntax to display the file ‘sample.txt’ one page at a time is
a) man sample.txt>more
b) cat sample.txt new.txt
b) sed ‘s/cat/mouse’ old.txt new.txt
c) sed ‘/s/cat/mouse/g’ old.txt new.txt
d) sed ‘/s/cat/mouse’ old.txt > new.txt


88. Which command will delete all the blank lines in file old.txt?
a) sed ‘/d’ old.txt
b) sed ‘/^/d’ old.txt
c) sed ‘/^$/d’ old.txt
d) sed ‘/^*/d’ old.txt


89. The command “sed -n ‘/sanfoundry/p’ old.txt” will
a) print the lines containing the word ‘sanfoundry’ in file old.txt
b) delete the lines containing the word ‘sanfoundry’ in file old.txt
c) will generate an error message
d) none of the mentioned


90. Which option is used by sed to specify that the following string is an instruction or set of instructions?
a) -n
b) -e
c) -f
d) -i


91. When we install a new package in linux system, then
a) all the files of the packages are installed in a single directory
b) different files are installed at different locations of the file system
c) package works just after extraction, installation is not required
d) none of the mentioned


92. Host specific configuration files are installed in
a) /etc directory
b) /lib directory
c) /root directory
d) /bin directory


93. The directory /media is the
a) mount point for removable media
b) mount point for filesystem
c) both (a) and (b)
d) none of the mentioned


94. What is /bin/sh ?
a) bourne shell
b) hard or symbolic link to the real shell command
c) bash shell
d) both (b) and (c)


95. The /boot directory stores the data that is used
a) before the kernel begins executing user mode programs
b) after the kernel begins executing user mode programs
c) before the bootloader is loaded in the RAM
d) none of the mentioned


96. Which one of the directory does not contain binary files?
a) /bin
b) /sbin
c) /etc
d) none of the mentioned


97. Kernel modules are present in
a) /lib directory
b) /root directory
c) /boot directory
d) none of the mentioned


98. The directory /opt is reserved for
a) installation of add-on application software packages
b) optional booting files
c) optional user specific files
d) none of the mentioned


99. The directory /srv contains
a) site-specific data which is served by the system
b) all the system files
c) all the service files provided by the specific user
d) none of the mentioned


100. Any file or directory present in the ______ directory may not be reserved between the invocation of the program.
a) /var
b) /tmp
c) /etc
d) all of the mentioned


101. What is a context switch?
a) Kernel switches from executing one process to another.
b) Process switches from kernel mode to user mode.
c) Process switches from user mode to kernel mode.
d) None of the above


102. Pid of init process
a) 0
b) 1
c) 32767
d) none of the above


103. What is the default maximum number of processes that can exist in Linux?
a) 32768
b) 1024
c) 4096
d) unlimited


104. How do you get parent process identification number?
a) waitpid
b) getpid()
c) getppid()
d) parentid()


105. The process which terminates before the parent process exits becomes
a) Zombie
b) Orphan
c) Child
d) None of the above


106. Return value of fork() system call can be:
a) -1,<0,0
b) -1,>0,0


107. If the fork() system call returns -1, then it means?
a) No new child process is created
b) The child process is an orphan
c) The child process is in Zombie


108. Fork returns _____ to parent process on success
a) 0
b) child process id
c) parent process id
d) none


109. How many times printf() will be executed in the below mentioned program?

main() {
int i;

for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)

printf(“my pid = %dn”, getpid());

a) 4
b) 8
c) 16
d) 32


110. What is the output of the below code?

void exit_handler1();
void exit_handler2();
int main() {
int pid;
pid = fork();
if(pid == 0) {
} else {
return 0;

a) Only child executes the exit_handler 1 and 2.
b) Only parent executes the exit_handler 1 and 2.
c) Both parent and child executes the exit_handler 1 and 2.
d) Neither parent nor child executes the exit_handler 1 and 2.


111. What is output of the following program?

int main() {
if (wait(0) == -1)
printf(“leaf childn”);

a) “leaf child” will be printed 1 times
b) “leaf child” will be printed 3 times
c) “leaf child” will be printed 4 times
d) “leaf child” will be printed 8 times
View Answer


112. Which niceness value among the following indicate most favorable scheduling?
a) 0
b) 19
c) 5
d) -20


113. The maximum time slice that can be given to a process in Linux (where tick is 10ms) is
a) 150ms
b) 10ms
c) 300 ms
d) 600ms


114. Nice can be used by an ordinary process to
a) increase the priority of a process
b) decrease the priority of a process
c) increase or decrease the priority of a process


115. Which one can be a real time schedule policy?


116. Solaris real time class priority is
a) 0-59
b) 60-99
c) 100-159
d) 160-169


117. On x86-32 Linux, at which address the code segment of the program starts?
a) 0x00000000
b) 0x08048000
c) 0x80000000
d) 0xbfff0000


118. On x86-32 Linux, at which address the user stack resides normally?
a) 0x00000000
b) 0x3fff0000
c) 0x7fff0000
d) 0xbfff0000


119. A system has 512MB of physical memory. Which among the following is not a suitable virtual memory size for this system architecture?
a) 512MB
b) 256M
c) 4GB
d) None of the above


120. LRU stands for
a) Last received Unit
b) Least recently Used
c) Least recently usable
d) Lost Recoverd unit


121. Mm_struct maintains?
a) memory files
b) open files
c) pipe
d) active memory regions


122. Is page table per process entity?
a) Yes
b) No


123. Among these files which has an ELF format
a) shared objects
b) core
c) executables
d) all of the above


124. If one of the thread in multithreaded process is blocked on an I/O, which of the following is true?
a) The entire process with block if their is no kernel supported threads
b) Other threads of the process will continue to execute even if there is no kernel supported threads
c) It depends on specific implementatation
d) All of the above


125. UNIX/Linux kernel is?
a) Monolithic
b) micro
c) Exo
d) nano


126. Monolithic kernel
a) is highly extensiblity
b) has less run time overhead
c) smaller than micro level
d) Suitable for real time system


127. Runlevel system command is used for?
a) getting the present and previous runlevel of the system
b) setting the runlevel attribute of the system in the inittab file
c) can be used to restart or reboot the system
d) all of the above


128. Pick the run level to run Linux in multi user mode with networking?
a) 0
b) 3
c) 5
d) 6


129. Section 2 of manpage describes
a) Commands
b) System calls
c) Function calls
d) Drivers


130. System call can be implemented using which assembly instruction(s) on x86 processors?
a) int 0×80
b) sysenter
c) both a & b
d) None


131. Which of the following exec call is a system call?
a) execl
b) execlp
c) execve
d) execvp


132. ______________ timer is decremented only when the process is executing
d) None of the above


133.Daemon process is a?
a) group leader
b) session leader
c) orphan process
d) all the above


134. The terminal used by a Daemon process is:
a) any terminal
b) no terminal
b) root terminal
d) system console


135. shared memory can be used for?
a) read only operations
b) append
c) read or read write operations
d) write only


136. Sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE) returns?
a) size of the page
b) max size of the page
c) min size of the page
